Friday, April 12, 2013

7 News Values

.AISD police: Teacher sexually assaulted first-grader
Timeliness -- the newness of the facts
This article was recently released but is over something that happened about two years ago with a 1st grade student at Blazier Elementary and a 48 year old teacher.  

Man shot at East Austin home
Proximity – the nearness of a given event to your place of publication.
I chose this article for proximity because it feels so close to home i think it would be a good example of how near this event took place. 

In Seoul, Kerry Warns North Korea Against Missile Test;postID=8534790216505164523
Prominence – the “newsworthiness” of an individual, organization or place.
This article is thinks newsworthy because its something that a lot of people have been talking about and i do think people would be interested to hear that secretary of state John Kerry has warned North korean leader Kim Jong-Un about the consequences of launching the missiles. 

French Senate passes gay marriage bill
Impact – the effect or consequence of an event on the audience.
I chose this article for impact because Gay marriage is a big controversial topic now a days and to have it legalized, even if its in france, i believe is a big impact that will start moving other countries toward a changing nation. 

Rare gay rights bill passes Senate committee
Conflict – the meeting of two or more opposing forces. These forces can be physical, emotional 
or philosophical.
This article is about a bill that was recently passed dealing with same sex and gay couples who are having consensual sex and how some people do not agree with a gay rights bill being passed by the senate. 

Probe reopened in Canadian teen's alleged rape, bullying
Human Interest – the drama the surrounds people involved in an emotional struggle.
Bullying as another negative aspect of a teenagers life and many people are either very compassionate about it or try to shield there kids from it and it is very controversial and its sad to say that it does happen and people do hear about it which is why i think it is a perfect example for human interest. 

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