Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Funny Captions

 The San antonio zoo is sick of people mistreating , littering and throwing waste into the habitats of there animals. One week ago they put up a sign saying "those who throw objects at the crocodiles will be asked to retrieve them." Now who wants to mess with a crocodile?

Students are getting lined up for their annual shot. while they were lining up Chan was dared by his classmates to go first but called him a chicken because they thought he wouldn't do it. As you can see by the looks in his classmates faces, Fred, Bob, Jimmy, Stewart and Pack, They were all surprised by the way Chan took they shot an they themselves aren't to exited either. 

Isn't baby lisa the cutest thing? 1 year and still no teeth, But teeth or no teeth she doesn't hesitate in making herself noticed when she yells out gibberish at her brother for talking while she's trying to watch Dora the Explorer goes to rescue the princess. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Peer Critique

I critiqued S.L , A.C , and V. G i liked a lot of there balance photos and i liked there photos in general but what most of them had trouble with was applying the rules of composition to the right photo because they had a very good example of simplicity but they used it for framing of something like that. i saw this mostly with A.C. also V.G could have taken much better photos if they would have shot from different angles and positions.  S.L also could have worked on how the photo was taken but Overall all were 5 or higher on a scale of 1-10. They were all Good Photos.

Great Black and White Photos part 3

I really like the simplicity of the Calla lilly was very beautiful because of its simple background and theres not many of them is just one and it's a photo thats simple yet has a lot of meaning to it.
I really like Wine Glasses because the lighting and framing to it made the glasses sorta sparkle in a way that caught my attention. I also like the various number of glasses that almost make one i overall like these to photos because i believe that any photo that grabs your attention is a good photo.

In Calla Lilly 
I see a simple flower being held up against a plain background. It hasn't been damaged as much as normal ones would have been which is why it was chosen for the photo. I see the simple beautify of a calla lilly. 
I smell Freshly mowed grass across the field surrounding the flowers. I smell the sweet sent of lilly being brought to my nose by the wind. 
I hear the lawnmower die off into the distance. I hear bees exited to recieve nectar for this beauty of a flower. I hear the rustling of the leaves that are being picked up by the wind mixed with the sweetness of the lilly. 
I taste the flavor of my gum running out just like my patience on trying to get the perfect photo of this lilly. I taste the sweat coming down my cheek from this hot summer day. I taste the sweet taste of victory now that i have my photo. 
I feel the soft gentle petals of the lilly. So breakable and innocent. I feel the beads of sweat begin to cover my forehead .I feel the wind blow my hair out of my face. I keep my eye on the lilly while feeling the top of my camera preparing to take my last photo. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Academic shoot reflection

On this assignment I did a lot things different , i moved around more to get pictures from different angles, I knew how to apply the rules of photography so i kind of waited for the right moment to get a shot. I think these pictures are way better than my past pictures. I focused a lot on focus this time just because my hands are pretty shaky so i tried focusing standing still then shooting. When the teacher was explaining to her students i tried shooting fast to capture her movements and some pictures just came out blurry so i worked a lot to have that not happen anymore. I would take more pictures if i could do it again and go into different classrooms, and i liked the angles in which i got the pictures so i would probably keep that part of my process. Simplicity would probably be the easiest to shoot next time , that or Balance is pretty easy to find also . Framing would probably be the hardest for me because i don't really see framing in photos so that would be difficult for me. So i need to look at more examples of framing in order to understand it better.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Mural Project Preview

     A Theme i think would be cool to shoot around school could be Anything Music related like Beats or regular Headphones, iPods, Posters, shirts with Music Notes, The band, Stereos, or radio systems, choir anything music related could show people walking up and down our halls that akins students express ourselves through music in not through drugs or violence music is all we need.
    I Think the quality of the cameras is better than phones but instagram is a awesome way to take photos also i love instagram.
    I would love to put it in the main entrance not in the halls way back because it would be cool to have someone walk in and see how much students are involved and the kind of students here.


Some of these photos don't even look real! The photographer must have been waiting for hours to get these perfect photos. They are all beautiful. 

This is my Favorite Photo its called Elephant By Nick Brandt and the reason i like it is because of all the detail of the elephant and the background. This is the kind of photo that almost looks fake because it's so good. I think Balance is in this picture because the elephant is in the middle and theres nothing extra on either side of him except the sky until it meets the horizontal line of the earth. Simplicity i believe is also in this photo because even though its just an elephant in in the middle of nowhere the photo is beautiful itself because of the way it was taken. 

Nick Brandt 
Does not use telephoto lens because he believes that animals should be taken in a way to show their personality."What I am interested in is showing the animals simply in the state of Being. In the state of Being before they are no longer are. Before, in the wild at least, they cease to exist. This world is under terrible threat, all of it caused by us. To me, every creature, human or nonhuman, has an equal right to live, and this feeling, this belief that every animal and I are equal, affects me every time I frame an animal in my camera. The photos are my elegy to these beautiful creatures, to this wrenchingly beautiful world that is steadily, tragically vanishing before our eyes." words by Nick Brandt and how he sees photography as he's not just a photographer he's a poet and every one of his photos tells a story. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Academic Shoot

Avoiding Mergers
Here i Believe a merger here would be the girls head Mr. Westerlunds Body getting cut off so he looks like a floating head. 

 Rule of Thirds
Even though this picture is blurry Mrs. Jenschke is off to the side facing the students and i just like the way the picture was set up. 

Here i don't believe there is an actual "frame" but anyone looking at this picture i hope can see that this is a classroom, and that the students are in the middle of this room so in my opinion i feel like the posters and chalkboard frames the students in the classroom. 
Yes, his face isn't so attractive in this photo but i feel like the length of papers and the desk next to the table lead you up to him sitting down, which is why i chose this for lines. 

I see this as balance because he is in the middle of the too sets of desks and theres an even amount since he's taller and they are on either side of him he sticks out in the middle.
I see this as simplicity because there is a student with just a book in front of her and theres nothing extra or special about it its just a book and student and i think theres a lot more meaning to it then just that

Monday, October 8, 2012

Thoughts on Next Shoot

Most of the Academic photos i saw were in libraries and science or classrooms that are bright and colorful or the teacher appears standing up and lecturing. So because i saw these things in the photos i would like to do exactly that the library is a perfect place to capture students studying and The books are usually what i like to see in academic related photos. Bright classrooms that i like to go in a lot usually make me want to go to class and school so my english teacher from last year, Mr. Gomez, His classroom is really bright and has a lot of inspiring quotes and i just see his classroom as a fun learning environment. Mr. Westerlund does that man talk , he spends most of the period talking and explaining everything and on his feet, talking and i like the way his room is set up because when he faces the students they all are facing the front of the class not in wierd rows or anything so to get a photo from an angle where i can see him talking and the students facing and looking at him really does show what school is about. I will try my best to take as many photos as i can so i don't miss any good moments i will try to get many photos from many angles and try to apply the rules of photography to make my photos even better.

Favorite photo

My Favorite photo was probably the one that was named "Junior Year" because i can relate to the books around him, me being a junior , and i feel the stress on him with all the SAT and ACT books around him. I think the photos that we can relate to are usually the best because we understand them more. Since the photo is Black and white it makes me almost feel the emotion of the photo and it makes me feel serious and like this is the time to feel determined and focused. I really liked this photo the way its framed and centered and the color i just really liked it.

Filling the Frame

In this photo the first thing that grabbed my attention is the water or liquid in the air and how fast this photographer reacted in order to capture this moment. The science classroom is very recognizable so i think its a nice "frame" i like it because the student is in the middle and your focused on her experiment because if it was just water in the air you would have nothing to look at here we see the student preforming the experiment.

Action and Emotion

I chose this picture for action and emotion because the student giving the teacher a nuggy and the reaction of the teacher tells me that the relationship this teacher has with his students is very positive which is probably why they are laughing because they seem to like this teacher and his class or just what he does. I got that from this one photo and thats when i know its a good photo, if it gives me a lot of information than it blog worthy.

The Story

I think this Photo tells the best story because we see people in line with napkins and plates then we see younger people with food and it makes me think "why are they being so generous?" it gives you a sneak peak of the story but it still makes you want to know more about it to see how it led up to this picture being taken.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Post Shoot Reflection

1. A Difficulty I encountered when taking pictures for Red, Metal, Happy was trying to get the pictures to come out less blurry because at first all the pictures I was taking all came out blurry.
2. I thought holding the camera was going to be difficult for me because my hands and fingers are short and stubby but i saw how other people were holding it first and then tried holding it while it was still on a table to practice, and yeah it wasn't that hard after that.
3.If i could do it over i would focus on framing so that my pictures have something to represent not that the viewers eyes are all over the place trying to look for what the "picture" is of. I would defiantly be more confident about taking my pictures and focus on my pictures better.
4. I would keep the angles from which i took my pictures because i really like how some of them came out its just that they were blurry which is why i didn't use them.
5.I just used framing and lines in two of my photos for red, metal, happy without even knowing them. Hopefully next time i use these rules and apply them to more pictures.
6. It would be interesting to use the same prompt again.