Monday, October 22, 2012

Great Black and White Photos part 3

I really like the simplicity of the Calla lilly was very beautiful because of its simple background and theres not many of them is just one and it's a photo thats simple yet has a lot of meaning to it.
I really like Wine Glasses because the lighting and framing to it made the glasses sorta sparkle in a way that caught my attention. I also like the various number of glasses that almost make one i overall like these to photos because i believe that any photo that grabs your attention is a good photo.

In Calla Lilly 
I see a simple flower being held up against a plain background. It hasn't been damaged as much as normal ones would have been which is why it was chosen for the photo. I see the simple beautify of a calla lilly. 
I smell Freshly mowed grass across the field surrounding the flowers. I smell the sweet sent of lilly being brought to my nose by the wind. 
I hear the lawnmower die off into the distance. I hear bees exited to recieve nectar for this beauty of a flower. I hear the rustling of the leaves that are being picked up by the wind mixed with the sweetness of the lilly. 
I taste the flavor of my gum running out just like my patience on trying to get the perfect photo of this lilly. I taste the sweat coming down my cheek from this hot summer day. I taste the sweet taste of victory now that i have my photo. 
I feel the soft gentle petals of the lilly. So breakable and innocent. I feel the beads of sweat begin to cover my forehead .I feel the wind blow my hair out of my face. I keep my eye on the lilly while feeling the top of my camera preparing to take my last photo. 

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