Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Academic shoot reflection

On this assignment I did a lot things different , i moved around more to get pictures from different angles, I knew how to apply the rules of photography so i kind of waited for the right moment to get a shot. I think these pictures are way better than my past pictures. I focused a lot on focus this time just because my hands are pretty shaky so i tried focusing standing still then shooting. When the teacher was explaining to her students i tried shooting fast to capture her movements and some pictures just came out blurry so i worked a lot to have that not happen anymore. I would take more pictures if i could do it again and go into different classrooms, and i liked the angles in which i got the pictures so i would probably keep that part of my process. Simplicity would probably be the easiest to shoot next time , that or Balance is pretty easy to find also . Framing would probably be the hardest for me because i don't really see framing in photos so that would be difficult for me. So i need to look at more examples of framing in order to understand it better.

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