Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Academic Shoot

Avoiding Mergers
Here i Believe a merger here would be the girls head Mr. Westerlunds Body getting cut off so he looks like a floating head. 

 Rule of Thirds
Even though this picture is blurry Mrs. Jenschke is off to the side facing the students and i just like the way the picture was set up. 

Here i don't believe there is an actual "frame" but anyone looking at this picture i hope can see that this is a classroom, and that the students are in the middle of this room so in my opinion i feel like the posters and chalkboard frames the students in the classroom. 
Yes, his face isn't so attractive in this photo but i feel like the length of papers and the desk next to the table lead you up to him sitting down, which is why i chose this for lines. 

I see this as balance because he is in the middle of the too sets of desks and theres an even amount since he's taller and they are on either side of him he sticks out in the middle.
I see this as simplicity because there is a student with just a book in front of her and theres nothing extra or special about it its just a book and student and i think theres a lot more meaning to it then just that


  1. Mergers:Your mergers photo is a great example.

    Simplicity:The people close up to the camera is a great but I think you could of zoomed in a little more or gotten a different view so not so that the people weren't in the background.

    Lines:I really liked this picture because its funny and the color and lines of the paper attract you to the picture.

  2. Your rule of thirds is good, just try to get a better picture so it won't be so blurry.

    Your mergers are really good.

    I like what your were aiming for on the lines, but you need a better photo that shows lines

  3. I like your Lines picture, i saw the papers on the desk all lined up which is the point of the rule. I would give it a 9 because it has rule but it doesn't really stand out until i read what you wrote. I also like your Avoiding mergers picture because i saw the kids body being cut off, and also saw the body which is the point of the rule. Great job :)
